Frequently Asked Question

27 MAR: Auto Enrolment in Learning Programs Failing
Last Updated about a month ago


There is a known issue affecting learning program auto-enrollment, including in the following situations:

- adults having completed ABPT or AAFCSafe, and need to refresh coming up to expiry

- new cadets not being enrolled in AAFCSafe L1 or Orientation Phase

- existing cadets not being enrolled in BPT-A when turning 18 years old

- existing cadets not being enrolled in AAFCSafe L2 when promoted to CWOFF or CUO

This issue has been reported and is being investigated. There is no timeframe on a resolution at this stage.


Unit Supervisors can deliver AAFCSafe and BPT-A training to eligible members in the interim period, and then await resolution of the issue before recording in their CEA profiles.

There is a single server still processing auto-enrollment of a small percentage of users.

Resolution of the issue is expected to occur with the release of CEA V5.6 (expected in at least a few months).

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